
work: check. kids: check. get strong: check.

Imagine getting stronger as you approach 50 than ever before. Imagine focusing less on the scale and more on your strength for longevity. And imagine figuring it all out while having fun, hanging […]

move of the week: jumping rope

Yes, it’s true. There is actually a correct form to jumping rope. 1) Find a jump rope that is the correct length for your height. 2) Beginners: Practice jumping without a jump rope. […]

ask stylebook: stronger upper thighs?

Jessie: I’ve always hated the way l look in white jeans because I feel like my upper thighs look soft. What are some exercises I can do to firm up that area? Adrien, […]

the art of good health

In life, we are often confronted with or choose different paths. And for most of us, those paths–although different–are rewarding. Let us introduce you to an artist, a client, a friend: John Gosling. […]

ask stylebook: favorite exercise?

Blair: What is your favorite exercise? Adrien, Fitness on the Run: In Wednesday’s article, Denise wrote about my own personal “10 Commandments” to staying healthy and strong. Then yesterday we discussed the Kettlebell […]

move of the week: the kettlebell swing

For those of you who love the Kettlebell and what it has done for you, your training and your mental toughness, you already know. For those of you who 1) fear them 2) […]

move of the week: decompress

Decompress. The effects of stress on our lives and our ability to “get healthy” are enormous. And you may not even realize it could be the culprit holding you back from true health. […]

ask stylebook: FOR gift cards?

Alison: My mom has been talking about getting back into a fitness routine and I think she would really enjoy training at Fitness on the Run. Do you offer gift certificates or can […]

the reward comes after the journey: promise!

Every once in a while, we come across people who just make us smile. That person is Erin Streeter. Not only is she a dedicated and loyal Fitness on the Run (FOR) client, […]

move of the week: throw away the scale

The most important body composition measure you need is to know is your waist circumference. The second is your body fat. Your scale will not tell you. Nor will it be able to […]

ask stylebook: how to use my core?

Kristen: You keep telling me to use my core effectively. How do I do that? Crunches? Mountain climbers? Adrien, Fitness on the Run: At Fitness on the Run, we have studied the core […]

cut to the “core” of it

Losing the belly fat comes from diet, not multiple high intensity workouts per week. You could have heard a pin drop. Our highly respected and very popular instructor Julio Barnett spoke at the […]

ask stylebook: getting in shape for summer?

Nikki: I want to get in shape for the summer. I’m tired of my “tire” and carrying extra weight. I’ve cleaned up my diet. What can I do in the gym to get […]

move of the week: complexes

Complexes are simply a series of movements (“exercises”) performed with a barbell, dumbbell(s), or kettlebell(s) or even no equipment at all where you finish each repetition of one movement before quickly moving onto […]

why go deep?

Why “go deep?” Why “slow down?” Are you “Chasing Pain?” Who hasn’t gone to the gym, been on a run, rode in a spin class and “cheated” through your movements and maybe even […]

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