
mind the mat on nbc

If you watch the Today Show on Monday and Tuesday mornings, you will see Mind the Mat owners, Sara VanderGoot and Megan Brown, along with a talented crew of instructors and students in […]

summer fitness series: day three

This barre-inspired whole body mat move starts on the forearms and knees. Make sure you use a thick padded mat or you double to triple fold your yoga mat to give your knees […]

summer fitness series: day one

Steaser = Pilates Star + Teaser This multi-muscle combined flow of movements will work the entire body with a focus on deep abdominal muscles and outer glutes. Take your time to figure out […]

street style: gina rollo white

Do you have that friend who can wear those fierce baggy pants and make it look effortless? Do you have that friend who plans the out-of-the-box outrageous party that people talk about for […]

move of the week: leg pull up

This classical Pilates move is a whole body workout, but it will especially strengthen and stretch your hamstrings and improve your posture. I prescribe this mat move to my runners who want to […]

ask stylebook: stress release?

Brittany: I have had nagging neck pain for quite some time now and I’m sure it’s due to stress. Can you suggest some stretches? Megan, Mind the Mat: Start with the posture improving […]

why become a yoga instructor?

Recently, CNN rated Yoga Instructor one of the top ten jobs in America. Why? Those asked reported that the job is low stress and the personal satisfaction and contribution to society is high. […]

move of the week: single straight leg stretch

We love this classical Pilates move for its multiple benefits. It stretches the hamstrings and works the deep abdominals simultaneously so it’s a perfect end to any workout. Set-Up: Lying on your back […]

ask stylebook: what about beans?

Elizabeth: I know beans are not paleo, but I still eat them. So if you do, what is the difference between between canned and dry? Is it really worth the hassle of soaking? […]

well ray: celebrating a healthy community

Have you heard about yoga, CrossFit, or Pilates and wanted to know more, but have never tried it out? Do you have health questions that you have always wanted to ask about yourself […]

move of the week: pilates mermaid

We love this combined core stretching and strengthening move for its breathing and sporting benefits! The side bending mobilizes the rib cage to allow for more effective and deeper diaphragmatic breathing while also […]

ask stylebook: how do i improve my posture?

Nikki: I work at a desk all day and my posture is horrible. I also notice that my neck is starting to hurt. But when I try to work on improving my posture […]

del ray is well ray

Del Ray has become more than just a little neighborhood near Old Town, Alexandria, it has become a destination in its own right, offering great places to eat, shop, and above all, be […]

move of the week: twist for golf

Do this twist 10-12 times before and after your golf game. Inhale and reach arms to the sky, exhale and twist. While twisting pull your navel towards your spine and reach your back […]

ask stylebook: yoga for golf?

Janet: I just started practicing yoga. What are some poses I should focus on to improve my golf game? Sara, Mind the Mat: Yoga is filled with golf swing enhancing stretches. But as […]

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