going unplugged


New Year’s is the one time of year where most people take a moment to focus introspectively in an effort to come up with a resolution and make some kind of promise to themselves, usually something to bring about a positive change in their lives. Unfortunately, the odds are against us when making these resolutions, as statistics report that only 8 percent of us mange to achieve our goals. So I began to ponder what resolution might have more staying power with less potential of failing. After all, it’s all about finding that perfect balance in life between working and living fully.

I don’t know about you, but for me it seems the past five years have spun out of control, making it more and more impossible to find a good balance. My to-do list seems to have taken on a life of its own. And I realize, much of it has to do with the way technology has advanced so rapidly, accelerating the way we communicate. It’s as if we’re all constantly on the go. I say “Uncle!” The only way to find peace and balance is to be fully present when life presents us with those fleeting moments that we long to hold on to and cherish. And the only way we can truly be present when these moments arise is to disconnect from the technology that is keeping us from doing so.


Won’t you join me in my New Year’s resolution and unplug? Consider it part of your healthy living plan. When setting time aside for your daily fitness regime, why not also designate time to completely disconnect from your work emails, news feeds and social networks? Perhaps a range of time every day, or perhaps an entire day every week. Call it your “personal unplugged time.” Yes, turn off your laptops and iPhones or whichever smartphone may happen to be your walking bible, and take a little time out for yourself to smell all those roses that have gone unnoticed.


Perhaps these roses may include tea with a friend at your favorite café, a long overdue visit with a family member, a new recipe that you’ve been wanting to test, an art class at the Torpedo Factory you’ve longed to sign up for. Perhaps smelling those roses is all about meditating, writing in a journal, riding a horse, hiking a trail and inhaling mother nature, cleaning out your closet, taking a loved one shopping, or simply sitting on a bench along the Potomac and watching the boats go by. 

By disconnecting from the stressful demands of all that external communication, it will help you connect with whatever is missing from your life, the things that you’ve been putting off, promising yourself, “one day.” Well, “one day” is here! This “unplugged” resolution is sure to bring you clarity so you can reassess your priorities and determine with whom or what you truly want to connect.

Most of us have disconnected from something that is important to us, and it’s time to get it back by giving up all that really doesn’t matter or perhaps delegating more of the insignificant and unproductive tasks that keep us from focusing on what we really want. Finding the ideal balance in life means keeping work at work, unplugging from the noise, putting value on your personal time, and protecting it from the stress of the ever-demanding external communication that appears to be multiplying exponentially. 


I’ve decided Tuesdays are going to be my “unplugged” sessions. Yes, all 24 hours of each Tuesday. I challenge you to do the same: choose your own unplugged session, disconnecting regularly so you can connect more meaningfully. Cheers to 2016 and better living!

  • The latest from Elisabeth
With a career in graphic design, photography, and marketing—creating an “it” brand comes naturally.

Using the soothing color palette of a coconut by the sea—whites, neutrals and splashes of turquoise—Coco Blanca has created a trademark look. Her lifestyle boutique offers expert solutions for home design and women’s fashion—blending a clean, fresh, sophisticated, feel-good style.


210 South Union Street
Alexandria, VA 22314


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