mind the mat: five moves, two ways, one great workout

This past Friday, we introduced you to the two inspiring women who founded Mind the Mat, a pilates and yoga studio in Del Ray. Today, they are sharing with you five moves for a healthier, stronger body. Each move is demonstrated two ways–pilates-style and yoga-style. Take your pick and let us know your favorite once you’ve tried them all!

1. Bridge

Pilates Bridge: Position your feet so that your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. As you inhale, peel your spine up one vertebra at a time. As you exhale, peel your spine down one vertebra at a time. Use this exercise to warm up the deep core muscles, awaken your hamstrings and tone the gluteal muscles. For more of a challenge, hold at the top of your bridge, keep your chest down by imprinting your shoulder blades down on the mat. Try not to let the front ribs flare. Hold for 15-30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

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2014-08-22 12.44.26 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

Yoga Bridge: Walk your feet closer to your hips for this yoga version of bridge. Peel your spine up into a full back bend and clasp your hands underneath you while opening and lifting your chest. Gently squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for two deep belly breaths. Peel back down and hug your knees into your chest. Repeat 2-3 times.

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2014-08-22 12.40.18 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

2. Roll Up/Roll Down

Pilates Prep: Sit tall with a neutral spine while holding the backs of your knees. Inhale to lengthen the spine, as you exhale, scoop your lower belly in and back to tuck your tailbone. Roll back to the base of your spine as your arms lengthen. Hold for 2-3 breaths while pulling your belly in and back. Keep breathing! As you exhale pull the belly in and back to round yourself back up. Repeat 4-6 times. TIP: Make sure you are leading the move by tucking your tailbone. If you feel it in your back, you are not rounded enough in your low back!

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2014-08-22 12.49.30 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

Full Roll Down: Sit tall, inhale to prepare. As you exhale, curl your tailbone under and pull your lower belly back to peel your low back down onto your mat. Continue to breath as you peel the rest of your spine down one vertebra at a time. To peel up, exhale and round up one vertebra at a time back into a seated position. TIP: If you notice you are skipping segments in your spine or if this move is too hard, grab one leg to help assist. Keep your navel pulled in deeply towards your spine throughout the entire move.

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2014-08-22 13.01.17 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

3. Spinal Balance

Yoga Version: Keep your trunk square to the floor, align your shoulder blades out of your ears, pull your navel up to the ceiling without changing your spine. Reach one arm forward while still engaging the tops of the shoulders away from your ears. Hold and reach the opposite leg back. Squeeze your seat to lengthen the leg and lift it level with your hips. Hold for two deep breaths then slowly and with control, switch sides. Repeat 6-8 times on each side. TIP: Keep your trunk square to the mat the whole time! Add a hip flexor stretch at the end with a dancer pose.

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2014-08-22 12.53.27 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

Pilates Barre Version: Reach one leg back keeping it parallel to the floor. Bend your knee and flex your foot so that the heel is reaching to the ceiling. Keep your spine in neutral as you draw the abdominals up toward the ceiling. Slowly “lift and lift” the heel higher to the ceiling (not pulsing, just slowly lifting). Repeat 20-30 times on each leg.

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2014-08-22 12.55.06 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

4. Side Plank

Yoga Version (Vasisthasana): Keep your hand directly underneath your shoulder. Either stack your feet or stagger them on the mat for more support. As you plank up, arch your rib cage toward the sky and hold the position while opening your chest. Continue to breathe as you reach your arm over your head or twist it underneath you 2-3 times for more of a core challenge. Repeat on the other side.

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2014-08-22 13.06.31 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

Pilates Version (Modified Star): Sit on one side of your hip with your knee bent and the knee cap pointing straight ahead of you. Slowly lift up while lengthening your top leg to the opposite wall and reaching your top arm to the ceiling. Slowly lower down. Repeat 2-3 sets of 10 very slowly. TIPS: Make sure that you maintain an open chest (stick it out!).

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2014-08-22 13.08.31 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

5. Spine Twist

Mind the Mat Twist of Torture! Hold your legs up with your hands and scoop your lower belly away from your thighs. Maintain a rounded back as you pull the navel in toward your spine and reach your arms toward your feet. Donʼt let your knees move away from your chest! Reach your left arm past your left foot as you slice the air and rotate your upper body to the right. Hold for 2 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.

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2014-08-22 13.17.16 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

Yoga Seated Spine Twist: Sit up tall as you can. Cross your left ankle over your rightknee. Inhale to lengthen your spine and reach your left arm up toward the sky. The right arm draws the left leg close to the body. Reach your left hand back behind you on the floor as you twist the spine to the left. Continue to breathe: inhaling to lengthen the spine and exhaling to draw the navel into the spine. Relax the neck, jaw and face. Repeat on the other side. This move is the perfect stretch for your hips and spine after an awesome workout!

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2014-08-22 13.11.41 from Alexandria Stylebook on Vimeo.

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