Here’s What Happens when a Scared Skeptic Tries Mindfulness, part 1

I am not a “woo-woo” person. In fact, other than a bout with wearing crystals in the early 90s, which, honestly, along with Birks and twirl-y skirts was more about donning the requisite neo-hippie uniform of a college girl Dead Head than benefiting from any quartz-divined enlightenment, I have always been more than a little eye-roll-y about all things “spiritual.” Chakras, auras, incense, oils, and if I am being totally frank, even yoga (because, savasana), all of it felt more than a little out there for me. Let’s just say I’ve preferred not to engage anything even remotely feelings-y.

So, yeah, you can imagine my hesitation to embrace Mindfulness.

Lest you think I am totally closed minded, I’m not. I understand that it really does work for people. My dad. My sister. Even my husband! And it’s not like I hadn’t had a doctor — ok, three separate doctors — heartily recommend that yes, I really really really need to get into some sort of meditation / Mindfulness practice.

Why? Same as you, probably. Living here automatically equals living a fast-paced, super-stressed life. And I love it. Really. The deadline-driven work, the gazillion activities with my kids, way too many volunteer obligations (none of which I even remotely want to quit), spending time staying fit, fun with friends and family…like you, life is busy. And as Elizabeth said on Friday, these are all choices I’ve made and it’s great.

Until it’s not, of course. When insomnia creeps in. When there’s weight gain, or in my case, loss. When, again, in my case, you have pain so severe you can’t eat, yeah, you sort of have to admit, hmm, maybe it is a little too much and perhaps you can’t really do it all…at least not without a cost. Something has to give.

Enter Stylebook’s Mindfulness Series. Let’s be clear, I’m the editor here but this was not my idea. At all. Megan, Gina, and Elizabeth cooked this up…but it got me thinking. Maybe? Maybe now is the time to listen to my doctors, and my husband, and my body…and, maybe…try?

So here’s the real truth. It’s not just that I’d lumped mindfulness in the woo-woo bin, certain that it was a too feelings-y for me. The real truth is that I was afraid to try. Because I know myself. I am a very type-A, competitive, rule-following, over-achieving teacher’s pet sort and I do not enjoy failing…and I knew FOR SURE that I would never ever ever in a million years be able to empty my mind. Like, ever.

The concept of sitting still and clearing my mind seemed as likely as sprouting wings and as practical as reasoning with a toddler, which is to say not at all. If I had a free 5, 10, or 15 minutes obviously it’d be better spent tackling Mount Laundry while watching HGTV, or editing Stylebook posts, or mindlessly scrolling Insta, or you know, anything else practical, right? I have things to get done!

But in her first post about our Mindfulness Series, Gina wrote something that was revelatory:

NO ONE can empty their mind. It is impossible.



So maybe I can try.

I went to the first Mindful Monday session a couple weeks ago. You may recall I even noted in the Stylebook introduction that day that I was nervous. And I really was.

But I shouldn’t have been. It was amazing…and, dare I say it? Life changing.

In my next post I will tell you all about the class and explain how I went from scared skeptic to (still not very good but hey it beats nothing) Mindfulness practitioner.

Or better yet, you can join me tonight.

The next session in our Mindfulness Series is tonight! Join us 6-6:45pm Stomping Ground


Madelyn was the editor of Alexandria Stylebook from November 2015 through July 2019.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Emily says:

    I can sooo relate! Maybe I’ll give it a try, too! Thanks.

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