on proper sunscreen use

It’s that time again! As the weather warms, we all come out of hibernation and start planning beach vacations and summertime picnics. But while you’re debating which color of the new Sam Edelman espadrilles to wear to your cookout, or trying to pin down the kids to slather them in SPF 1,000 before marching down to the pool, are you properly protecting your own skin from this sunshine-y fun?

I was having a conversation with my roommate about proper sunscreen usage on a makeup-wearer (she loves product as much as I do–a match written in the product junkie stars, surely!), and she asked, “How am I supposed to reapply every three hours like they say if my makeup is done? I don’t want to ruin it! And what about if my foundation doesn’t even have SPF?”

blue sky and sun

It’s important to reapply your sunscreen every two-three hours if you’re spending that kind of time outside in the sun, or if you sit right by a window in your office. If neither of these things is the case, applying in the morning before you go out is just fine. I also recommend that if you have a commute that involves sitting in sunlight for any length of time, you reapply about 15 minutes before you leave work.

“But you can’t get a sunburn through glass!” you may say. This is true, the UVB rays can’t penetrate through the windows; however, UVA rays can. For reference: UVB rays cause burning, and UVA rays cause aging and allergies to sun. If you take any kind of care of your skin, an SPF should be a vital part of your regimen! What a shame it would be if all the investing you’ve done in serums and eye creams and moisturizers over the years was unraveled by the lack of sun protection. No matter what sunscreen you’re using, make sure it’s one labeled “broad spectrum,” which means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

If you are a makeup-wearer, but you’re also spending a lot of time out in the sun, I recommend making sure that not only your moisturizer has an SPF, but your foundation does as well. A foundation’s SPF by itself isn’t usually enough for any significant time outside, because you’re not wearing enough foundation to get that kind of serious protection, but as an extra layer on top of a moisturizer with SPF, it’s a nice little bit of insurance. I also recommend a sunscreen mist or powder. These can be easily applied on top of makeup. Coola’s even started making a makeup setting spray with an SPF in it! (Can you tell I’m geeked? I am.)

Another way to preserve your protection, especially if you’re using a foundation without SPF, is to use a brush or a sponge to apply your foundation very gently over your absorbed sunscreen. Keep in mind that sunscreen should be the last step in your skincare routine. This means that serum, moisturizer, eye cream, etc., should go on first. Makeup will dilute your SPF a little, which is why you should apply gingerly, but this dilution is also less of a Big Fat Deal if your foundation contains its own sun protection factor.

There are so many ways to protect your skin now, that there is no excuse to not do it! We’d love to find you the perfect SPF to help keep you looking 20 well into your 80s.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Susan G says:

    Love the suggestion about applying sunscreen if your commute has you in the sun for long periods of time! I’m going to do this!

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