how to: great brows

Brows are my jam. A coworker once dubbed me the Eyebrow Queen of the Makeup Counter, and it’s a title I don’t take lightly. There are a few steps to take for beautiful, full brows. Let’s discuss!


Step One: Get them shaped. Go to an esthetician and get your brows groomed–if she’s good, she’ll give you a shape that suits your face shape, that you could maintain for yourself after the fact. Even if you don’t get your brows shaped monthly, I think it’s a good idea to go get them done at least every six months, just to make sure even the little peach fuzzies don’t muck up your shape.

Step Two: Grab an eyebrow pencil. If you’re new to doing your brows, this will be easier to tackle than using a brush and a powder. I prefer a twist-up, rather than a traditional pencil, because those tend to be thinner, but whatever you like best is fine. With an eyebrow brush, comb your brow hairs so you can see where they need the most filling. Start on the outer half, past the arch–this is usually where brows tend to be thinnest. Make very soft, short strokes so they look like hairs, not like drawn lines.

Step Three: Blend. Carry those hairlike strokes through the front halves of your brows. Decide if you like a squared front, or something rounded, and gently draw that shape in place. Fill according to how bold you like your brows to look.

Step Four: This one is optional, but I highly recommend it. Brow gel! I use a shade of Blinc Eyebrow Mousse every day. These are tinted, and on a low-key day can be worn instead of drawn brows. On top of a brow pencil, I love the dimension a tinted brow gel gives.

Have fun! I always tell people that if eyes are the windows to the soul, brows are the shutters. And don’t we want those to look nice?


  1. wax, thread, pluck or combination!? your brows do look fab!!

    • Here’s Elizabeth answer: Any of those options is great, just make sure that if you’re tweezing, you’re using good tools and you have a defined direction (like an outline from a previous waxing), and if you are getting waxed or threaded, make sure the place and esthetician have good reviews, and the service is in a sanitary environment–no double-dipping wax sticks, a fresh piece of thread for each person, sanitized hands, etc. I’ve seen too much go wrong when someone doesn’t do their research and tries a place that might be cheaper than the rest, but is far less reputable.

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