ask stylebook: sunburn & makeup?

Christen: After a long bike ride this week, I have the first hint of a sunburn on my nose even though I wore sunscreen. How do I cover it with makeup without looking cakey?

Elizabeth, Bellacara: We’ve all been through the peel-y, red, goodness of summer! What I recommend is starting with a post-sun recovery lotion. Coola makes an amazing one–I’ve seen it heal sunburn in half the normal recovery time, and do it without flaking! Or, if you have an aloe plant, put a little of that on the burn and let it dry. Then, with your ring finger, start lightly tapping some creamy concealer over the red area, using the same light motions you would to apply your eye cream.

The key is to use fewer products than normal, both to avoid irritating already sensitized skin, and to keep it from looking like you’re trying to cover something (even though you are!). The light tapping with the weakest finger should keep the amount of product to a minimum, but should move the concealer around enough that it covers effectively. Let it sit and settle for a few minutes, and if you need another layer, apply it in the same way. If you find that your burn is sufficiently covered, great! Mist everything with the Coola SPF 30 Makeup Setting Spray for extra hold and protection, and go about your day!


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