ask stylebook: going beyond red & green

Leslie: I want my home to look holiday festive, but red and green just don’t work in my home. What can I do?

Elisabeth: You don’t have to be traditional to love the traditions of Christmas. Some of the most traditional holiday decorations revolve around red and green, white lights, and boughs of evergreen. But just because those are the traditional colors for the holiday, you can still put an updated spin on things and opt for neutral colors instead. There are so many unique and thoughtful ways to adorn your tree and mantel with gorgeous white and metallic decor, without it feeling like Santa’s elves have invaded your home.

Just because you are getting rid of the red and green décor doesn’t mean you have to pitch the ornaments and decorations that are near and dear to your heart. I can still remember as a child laying on the floor with my head under the Christmas tree looking up at all the twinkling white lights and handmade ornaments my siblings and I made at school throughout the years. No matter the color scheme, a Christmas tree is not the same without mixing a few of your most cherished sentimental ornaments made by your children. Once can still achieve a beautiful decorative theme with neutrals, whites, and metallics without sacrificing the memories. It’s all about that subtleties of Christmas.

A few of my favorite holiday decorating tips …

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Decorate your door
There’s nothing more magical to the senses than fresh herbs! That’s why I love creating my own DIY wreath using sage, lavender, thyme, eucalyptus and bay leaves, and adding a few white winter berries for color. These will last throughout the holiday and give off the most inviting scents, welcoming each of your special guests. Here is one of my favorite “how to” sites for making a wreath.

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Style your tree
I’ve never been a fan of multiple colored lights; I much prefer the tranquil yet festive allure of twinkling white lights. And after the lights, follow the waterfall ribbon. From the top of the tree, weave about eight 3″-wide metallic or burlap ribbons vertically through the boughs, and cutting them at varying lengths. After the lights and ribbon are in place, strategically hang silver-y mercury glass ornaments of varying sizes and shapes along with a few crystal ice cycles. And don’t forget to sprinkle in some of those most cherished sentimental ornaments, no matter what color or condition they happen to be in.


Style your tables (or shelves!)
I love simple and elegant decor, and there’s nothing easier than setting a collection of mercury glass ornaments of varying sizes in a glass bowl for an elegant statement piece for your coffee table or buffet. I also love using little silver dishes and filling them with a mix of acorns, cut crystal balls, and mini silver or gold ornaments and setting them on my side tables to warm up a room. 


Festive dining
A little Christmas spirit can really elevate a dinner table. Choose a color theme, such as white with accents of gold or silver. Along with clear or mercury glass votives filled with white tea lights, borrow some ornaments from your tree and sprinkle them along a woven metallic textured runner that can easily wipe clean to create a modern and festive table scape that guests of all ages will love.

  • The latest from Elisabeth
With a career in graphic design, photography, and marketing—creating an “it” brand comes naturally.

Using the soothing color palette of a coconut by the sea—whites, neutrals and splashes of turquoise—Coco Blanca has created a trademark look. Her lifestyle boutique offers expert solutions for home design and women’s fashion—blending a clean, fresh, sophisticated, feel-good style.

210 South Union Street
Alexandria, VA 22314


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