7 skincare and makeup essentials for every woman

Every spring, we’re inundated with articles about the “10 Wardrobe Essentials Your Closet Wants You to Have,” or “The Five Ultimate Classic Pieces to Put in Your Spring Wardrobe,” or any other variation on the theme of “You Must Own This to be a Functional Human Grown Up.” But what about your skincare and makeup? Yes, skin types and look preferences differ, but regardless of personal style, skincare and makeup are their own type of wardrobe, and they deserve their own list. Here’s my Lucky Seven, just for you!

1. A good eye cream. “Good” can mean a great many things. While you’re young, using something simply to maintain the moisture balance in your delicate eye area is plenty. As you age, consult with an expert on the right active eye cream–this will do something for you, whether smooth fine lines, or brighten, or turn the clock back to when you were 18 and should have started using an eye cream to begin with.

2. A great serum or oil. Serum and oil are different things, but just as an active eye cream may be too much for you at 21, you may not need a serum yet, and adding a great oil to your regimen may help keep your skin in tip-top shape until you need something more penetrative and active, like a serum. Keep in mind also that different oils do different things, and there are even oils to help balance oily skin. Don’t shy away!

3. A skin-type appropriate moisturizer. A lot of people think that as long as they’re using something, that’s good enough. A lot of people are wrong. Just like different eyes need different eye creams, and different ages need different serums, different skin types need different moisturizers (are you catching a theme, here?).

4. A good sunscreen. Approximately 90% of the early visible signs of aging are believed to be caused by the sun. The other 10% is caused by genes and good, old-fashioned Father Time. Skin cancer aside, which is a whole other can of worms entirely, if you can do something to protect your skin from visible signs of aging, why wouldn’t you?

5. An A+ concealer. This concealer should ideally be able to cross over from under eye to blemishes. Some concealer formulas are better for one of these than the other, but we’re looking for versatility here. This will ensure that even on the least makeup-y of makeup days, you’re always looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

6. A waterproof mascara. While I don’t generally like waterproof for everyday wear, again, we’re going for a wide range of preferences. If you’re the type of woman who wears makeup every day, I’m certain you’ve got one in your arsenal. If you’re not the kind of woman who wears makeup every day, you’re probably only wearing it for special occasions–weddings, funerals, family reunions…all emotionally charged moments, where it’s more likely that tears will make an appearance. Take a leaf out of the Boy Scouts’ manual, and be prepared!

7. A lipstick that makes you feel incredible. This can be a tinted lip balm that gives you just the right amount of pop and keeps you making kissy faces at yourself in the bathroom mirror, or a fantastic matte red that goes hand-in-hand with victory rolls and a pair of t-strap heels. You do you, beautiful!

Remember that every single one of these products goes best with a winning smile. When you look good, you feel good, and these “Classic Skincare Wardrobe Must-Have Essential Needs Every Woman Should Always Have Ever” will keep you looking great, no matter what stage of life you’re walking through.

1 Comment

  1. […] couple weeks ago, I wrote about the seven skincare and makeup pieces every woman should have in her beauty wardrobe. But today, let’s add another layer. These are […]

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