5 questions to ask when organizing your closet

With the arrival of the new season and my upcoming workshop on the topic, I am all about getting my closet organized this month!

The most difficult step in the organization process for most people is the part where we have to make decisions on what to keep and what to purge. This is also one of the most important steps. The goal is to have a closet that consists only of items that you can, and will, actually put on your body when you’re getting dressed tomorrow.

Have you ever had the experience of cruising through your hangers in the morning and having to bypass tons of items you can’t even wear? You might be thinking, “oh, those pants have to be hemmed before I can wear them, that skirt is a little bit tight right now, I don’t actually really like that shirt all that much…” and so on. All of that stuff is getting in the way of you getting dressed today and can create a very frustrating experience in the morning. You want to get all of that stuff out of your closet, or at least out of the way for now.

When you’re deciding what to keep and what to purge, ask yourself the following five questions:

Is the item in good condition? If not, can it be repaired?
Is the style modern (as opposed to feeling dated or out of style)?
Does the item reflect your personal style?
Does it fit you well (and I mean, now, today)?
Do you love it and feel good in it?

If the answer to even one of these questions is ‘no’, then the item must go. This doesn’t mean you have to actually remove all of these items from your home but you must get them out of the way of your everyday wardrobe. Sometimes you may keep items that need to be altered or repaired or items in different sizes because you’re in the process of losing weight, for example. But getting your closet to a place where everything in it is a legitimate option to wear today will make your life so much easier and your outfits so much more stylish.


Join me on Tuesday September 9 for a seminar on Organizing Your Closet. Learn more about answering the questions above and making the tough decisions on what to purge and what to keep. I’ll be joined by Tiffany Mensing, Professional Organizer and owner of Space & Serenity, who will be sharing her favorite organizational secrets and products.

We would love to see you there!

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