travel style decoded

It’s that season…I am not talking turkeys and stockings and menorahs.  I am talking planes, trains, and automobiles. I am no exception. I am hitting the road – make that air – next week to Bangkok, Thailand. I am traveling sans husband and children. We usually do a month-long summer pilgrimage to Thailand every other year. But this fall, I am going to spend some quality time with my parents, particularly my mother who has not been well.


Style is the furthest thing from my mind these days as I prepare for my trip. I am more concerned with staying healthy for the actual travel part (24-hour flight!) and staying strong for the emotional journey that comes with seeing, visiting and caring for an ailing parent.

But, clothed I must be. And it’s times like these that I am most thankful for a wardrobe that is streamlined and uncomplicated. Grateful I am at an age and time in my life where although I still love a great “wow!” piece, I am also perfectly content with quiet, easy style. I like to look nice, but I am not willing to pay the price of pain and discomfort to do it. And I am no longer in a stage of life where I am going to use a lot of headspace and energy on, “What am I going to wear?” If it feels forced and it took way too much effort to piece together, then it doesn’t belong in my closet.

This has carried over to my travel style, which has become an easy, comfy stylish uniform. When I pack and put together travel looks for clients, I use the same ideas general guidelines.

I often tell my clients, yes you are comfortable, but you aren’t actually in bed. You are out in the world so your clothing isn’t going to feel exactly like PJs. Still they can be cozy and comfy. Jersey, cashmere, cotton are all great fabrics to travel in. Travel clothing should have some give for comfort. 

black leggings 1

1. For bottoms, black legging jeans or leggings are one of my first choices. I avoid slouchy pants on travel because without the right shoe and styling, they can look sloppy.

layered copy

2. Layer your tops. Temperatures vary during travel. You may be warm where you are headed, but it’s cold here, and it’s often chilly on planes.  If you are doing leggings, do a sleeveless tunic top and a draped cardigan. If you are doing jeggings, you can do a chambray shirt layered with a knit jacket. 

3. Mix neutrals. A great way to create a chic look is to mix grays and browns, black and grays and browns, different shades of gray…you get the picture. And it’s easy. 


4. Cute comfy shoes. Some options for that stylish, comfy look when it comes to footwear are metallic loafers, animal print slip-on sneakers, and low-heel ankle boots. Since we are in fall and moving into winter, my pick for this season is the Stuart Weitzman Sprite bootie above that has a little wedge built in.


5. Accessorize simply, but accessorize. I have a pendant necklace that I wear on travel that pulls my outfit together. It’s easy to throw on (and take off going through security) and adds a stylish element. This horn necklace from The Shoe Hive fits the bill perfectly.

I also find travel is rough on my skin. My favorite way to moisturize is with a facial spritzer. One of my favorites for travel is the Evian facial spray available at Bellacara.

Putting together a chic, easy, wearable travel style is no different than putting together a chic, easy, wearable everyday style. It’s about having the right core wardrobe pieces that you know look and feel great.

Drape cardigan jacket, booties, and horn necklace from The Shoe Hive; leggings from Coco Blanca; and, sweater from Kiskadee.

  • The latest from Rosana
Founder, Chief Stylist | DC Style Factory
Rosana has 18 years of fashion and retail experience. Her team has worked on more than 1,500 closets and wardrobes since she launched DC Style Factory 10 years ago. She has been featured by the New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, Washingtonian Magazine, Northern Virginia Magazine, and more. Her clients include U.S. politicians, lobbyists, authors, lawyers, and corporate executives.

DC Style Factory is a personal shopping and styling service for men and women looking to add polish and individuality to their wardrobes. We believe personal style is for anyone who wants it — regardless of age, size or budget.

1 Comment

  1. […] end of 2015 was a one of the busiest times of my life, both personally and professionally.  I traveled to Bangkok to see my family, lived through a major renovation to our home, hired new stylists, and […]

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