Street Style: Nell Green

Mom is somewhat of a Stylebook celebrity. She has been featured several times in the past, and customers and readers of Stylebook frequently ask about her and want to know how she is. How is she? She is busy, saving the world in more ways than I can count. She is an ordained minister and spends her time helping refugees settle in the United States. She literally feeds people just about every day, whether she is delivering food baskets to families or hosting large dinner parties of international students from the University of Houston. She travels to the Texan-Mexican border regularly to raise awareness of human trafficking and to teach local organizations how to respond to the crisis.


Meanwhile, she is my business partner and has helped me launch our clothing and lifestyle brand — Threads by Nomad — that is designed to have a positive social and environmental impact. She manages all things production and customer service. She improves my designs and informs my fabric choices. (In fact, she is wearing one of our pieces in these photos, which can be purchased on our website here. Yes, that is a shameless plug.) She and I have great plans for Threads by Nomad, and knowing we are doing this together is what has me convinced we will be successful.

Mom is Superwoman. Not because she is perfect, but because she lives her life with arms and eyes wide open — to others and to experiences. She is my best friend, and my who-to-call-in-a-crisis person. She is complex in the best of ways — nurturing and assertive, creative and productive, full of life and aware of its challenges. There is perhaps no single other person in the world I know better or relate to more than my mom, and I am so very grateful she is my mom.

Oh yeah, and here she is wearing a blouse and denim from The Hive, shoes from The Shoe Hive, and a Threads by Nomad coat. The jewelry is her own.



How do you spend your time? For fun, I spend my time in the yard, walking, or biking, or kayaking. And professionally, I spend my time helping refugees, making people aware of human trafficking in Houston and Texas, and working for Threads by Nomad.

Neighborhood: I actually live in Houston but my daughter, Christen, has lived in the West End of Alexandria for a long time now. I love visiting her, and have grown to love Alexandria.

How long have you lived in Alexandria: Well, Christen has lived here for almost nine years. So, even though I don’t live in Alexandria, I’ve been making regular visits for nearly a decade.

What is your hometown? I don’t have a hometown anymore. We live in Houston but own a home in Rock Hill, South Carolina where our son lives. I was raised in Louisiana, and the longest I ever lived in any one place were the years we spent in Brussels, Belgium. But that’s not my hometown either. I suppose I really am a nomad.

What brought you to Alexandria? My daughter.

What would surprise people about you? That I’m a farm girl. I grew up on a farm and after all these years of I still prefer the country.

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? I would travel at the speed of light so I could see my kids way more often than I get to now.

Favorite cocktail: Red wine.

Last book read or movie seen: I’m finishing a Patricia Cornwall murder mystery as well as The Essential Abolitionist.

Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate and Starbucks.

Phrase you overuse: Oh my gosh. Boop-si-doo. Never mind my train of thought…

Facebook or Instagram? Facebook.

Latest binge-watch: West Wing.

Bucket list travel destination: The Holy Land. I’ve had that on my bucket list forever.

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Coffee.



Define your style in three words or less: Classic and eclectic. I like things that will age well, but I like a mix of styles.

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: A navy silk blouse my daughter gave me from The Shoe Hive about a year ago. And my denim skirt (that I paid all of $4 for…).

Favorite trend ever: Stretchy denim, because it’s so versatile.

Favorite current trend: Same.

Beauty product you can’t live without: Mascara. I can go without makeup, but I always have to wear mascara.

Favorite fragrance: It used to be L’Amour by Amarige but I don’t wear fragrance anymore. I haven’t for nearly 12 or 13 years. When I couldn’t get Amarige anymore, everything else just seemed too sweet and strong.

Heels or flats? Flats.


Favorite room in your home: My yard. But I also my love my living room and my craft room.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Antiques. I don’t do modern well.

Last item bought for your home: We just bought a sofa for our home in Rock Hill.

Next planned purchase: There really isn’t anything on our list. But at some point we need a new mattress. Not very exciting. We make it a habit to only buy furniture we really want and love.

Favorite way to entertain: Dinner parties with a nice appetizer and two or three courses.

Wallpaper — yes, totally modern or no, so dated: No wallpaper. Ever. Anywhere. Or drapery for that matter.



Your go-to work-out: That’s hard. Hiking and yoga. But I do a lot of other things.

Most fun way to exercise: Hiking and yoga.

Group exercise or solo: If it’s hiking, I like going in a group. If it’s yoga, I don’t want anyone to talk to me even if it’s a group class.

Fitness goal: If you’d asked me last week, I would have said to lose ten pounds. But today I want to do full wheel and crow without so much effort.

Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: A half marathon.

Proudest fitness achievement: That I have exercised regularly for nearly forty years. On three continents. I found ways to exercise no matter where I have lived.


Favorite spot in Alexandria: I love the cobblestone streets in Old Town.

Last purchase in Alexandria: I bought AGL sneakers at The Shoe Hive this morning.

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: Society Fair. I love that place.

Favorite charity: My job. I work with refugees and spend time raising awareness of human trafficking in the Houston area.

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