Street Style: Lesley McGrew

I have worked at The Shoe Hive in a variety of roles for several years now, and I know a significant percentage of our customers by name. I try to make a point of knowing what’s going on in their lives and how they are doing. Working at a small business is in many ways belonging to a community, and it’s one of the highlights of my job. There are a handful of customers, however, who have become true friends. I can tell them honestly if I am having a rough day when they stop by the store, and I am always greeted with a hug and sometimes even my regular Starbucks order.


Lesley McGrew is one of these customers; she is a friend. She is always ready for a laugh (or signature giggle) but expects an honest answer to How are you?, whatever that answer may be. She brings me flowers on my birthday, invites me to concerts, and understands when I cancel because even the thought of going anywhere but home after work is too much to handle. She direct messages me photos of brands she thinks we should carry, and leaves funny comments on my photos on Instagram. She understands my need to spend as much time in the sun as possible, but goes out of her way to ensure I am being safe while doing it. She is thoughtful and easy to talk to, creative, and sincere. She is honest and wears her feelings on her sleeve in a way that puts you instantly at ease and makes you want to confide in her, secure in your knowledge that she is trustworthy and would never judge you for what you have to say.


I am so grateful I have a friend like Lesley. It helps that we have a lot in common — notably our love of beautiful things which has translated to a career in retail and buying. She is the children’s buyer at Red Barn Mercantile in Old Town. Oh, and on top of that, she is an awesome mom to a most adorable five-year-old.

Simply put, Lesley is the best.



How do you spend your time? For the last five years as the CEO (self-appointed title) of our family life and household, including taking care of our daughter Kate (5).  I also work part-time at Red Barn Mercantile, which I love. They’re my second family and in addition to working there, I am the buyer for the children’s section.
Neighborhood: Rosemont
How long have you lived in Alexandria? It will be 11 years this summer. We moved here from Chicago in August of 2005.
What is your hometown? Ann Arbor, Michigan.  #puremichigan 🙂
What brought you to Alexandria? My husband’s company (Danaher Corporation) relocated us to the D.C. area.
What would surprise people about you? I snorkeled while visiting the Galapagos Islands. What makes this surprising is my HUGE fear of being in open water, despite growing-up on the Great Lakes and having lived on a boat for a summer.
You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? To be able to speak and understand any language.
Favorite cocktail: Pisco Sour — if someone really knows how to make it right.
Last book read or movie seen: Book: “The Island” by Elin Hildebrand (see “Guilty Pleasure” below); Movie: “Man Up”
Guilty Pleasure: Reading beach novels while curled-up on the couch or in bed.
Phrase you overuse: When I am giving reasons for (or explaining) something, “Because ‘A’…, then B….,” etc.
Facebook or Instagram? Instagram
Latest binge-watch: The Blacklist
 Bucket list travel destination: St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? WINE.



Define your style in three words or less: Comfortable, smart, stylish.
The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Shoes. You can build an outfit around them, or they can be the perfect accent or pop of color to your outfit.
Favorite trend ever: The Little Black Dress.
Favorite current trend: Orange!
Beauty product you can’t live without: Mascara
Favorite fragrance: Chanel Allure
Heels or flats?  Have to go with flats.  It used to be heels, but a bad back and five year-old often require flats.



Favorite room in your home: I love my living room because it reflects the experiences that lakes, oceans, and beaches have had on me throughout my life. It feels very inviting and comfortable.
Antiques, modern, or a mix? A mix of vintage and new.
Last item bought for your home: Vintage drafting stool
Next planned purchase: My husband Matt and I have started the insane process of renovating our home, so that’s the next “planned purchase.”
Favorite way to entertain: Cocktails followed by home-cooked dinners paired with really good wine.
Clutter-free or well-lived in?  Both. I always envy clutter-free and want it to some degree, but there are many things I love, and treasures we have or find, which I love to surround myself with.
Wallpaper: yes, totally modern or no, so dated: Definitely “yes!” Especially a friend’s (Elizabeth Rees) company, Chasing Paper.


Your go-to work-out: One-hour training with Stephanie at the Monroe YMCA. Just started this past February.
Most fun way to exercise: Power walking with friends
Group exercise or solo: Solo
Fitness goal: Becoming a healthier and stronger version of myself by losing the physical and emotional weight I’ve piled-on over the years.
Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: Barre classes
Proudest fitness achievement: Walking the Chicago Marathon last-minute with a friend who asked me two days before the race. She had not been training with her Team in Training (benefiting the Leukemia Society) group, and was afraid to do it solo.


Favorite spot in Alexandria: The waterfront
Last purchase in Alexandria: Paul Green city sandals from The Shoe Hive.
Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: Coffee: Okay, I confess I don’t drink coffee. But I love and must have Chai Lattes, especially from the Starbucks at the corner of Henry & Wythe streets. The staff is the best. Happy Hour: Grape and Bean Rosemont. Date Night Spot: What’s a “Date Night?”  Ha! We love Cheesetique in Del Ray.
Favorite charity: King Street Cats
Favorite annual Alexandria event: Alexandria King Street Arts Festival in the fall.


  1. I have to meet Lesley. She is an Ann Arborite!!!! My daughter and I were just in AA to see family and attend a wedding. Lesley is a Michigander!!!!!


  2. Avatar Jean Nelson says:

    This is SO Lesley–she’s my niece and an intelligent, thoughtful, kind and funny gal. She’s a peach

  3. Avatar james huff says:

    Everything you said about Lesley is true.
    I am her father, and am most proud of her

  4. Avatar Susan huff says:

    What fun to see Lesley in print, being described so clearly and showing how well loved she is amongst those who are touched by her thoughtfulness and creativity. She has always had the spirit of a Sprite, in my mind, and carries this energy throughout her day, sprinkling ‘pixie’ dust as she flits about. Flitting is a good word for her, as i think about it.:) LOVE, MOM

  5. […] you see the pictures, I think you will agree that homeowner, Red Barn’s own Lesley McGrew, and interior designer and our Design Collective partner, Kristin Try, have created a warm, […]

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