the serving tray … the ultimate home accessory

by Coco Blanca


The concept of a serving tray dates back to ancient times, and likely evolved from the English “silver salver” term…a flat silver tray. It was thought that food and drink served on a salver had been tested for poison and was fit to consume by royalty. Perhaps you won’t be entertaining the Queen, but a serving tray always rises to the occasion, no matter whom your guests are. This practical home accessory has morphed into all kinds of shapes and styles over the years, and today there are a number of fabulous designs using several different materials.

One of our favorite styles is a tray with a mirrored bottom as they provide a lovely surface to show off crystal glassware. Taking it one step further, the bar cart with it’s mirrored top and bottom tray can transcend an entire room, reflecting beauty all around. A champagne bottle can easily become part of the decor!


Nomad_Tray_Table_CocoBlancaAnd then there’s the Nomad tray table with it’s removable tray top and folding legs…now that’s the ultimate double-duty piece.

Usually lightweight and equipped with handles, serving trays are easy to transport from one surface to another. As the ottoman is finding its way into more and more homes, the serving tray has become an ideal solution for a place to set your glass. Without it, the upholstered ottoman hasn’t a chance to survive a spill.

Some serving trays are like art and deserve to be displayed in the same fashion when not in use. We love the gorgeous lacquer art trays at Coco Blanca that make such beautiful statements and enhance most any home decor. Try propping one up on its side upon a bookshelf as you would with a small sculpture. LOVERLY!

Wren_Tray_CocoBlancaServing trays can also make fabulous organizers for everything from jewelry and makeup in a bedroom…to storing office supplies, remote controls, or kitchen gadgets…to collecting mail on an entry table. This practical and sensible accessory provides endless possibilities.

Whether you’re entertaining or not, everyone should have a serving tray or two. No doubt, it will become your ultimate go-to home accessory!

Coco Blanca’s Platters, Trays and Servers

  • The latest from Gayla
Co-Owner | Coco Blanca
With her innate sense of style—making everything beautiful comes naturally.

Using the soothing color palette of a coconut by the sea—whites, neutrals and splashes of turquoise—Coco Blanca has created a trademark look. Her lifestyle boutique offers expert solutions for home design and women’s fashion—blending a clean, fresh, sophisticated, feel-good style.

210 South Union Street
Alexandria, VA 22314


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