letter-perfect monogramming etiquette

It’s no secret that we love a monogram at Ivy Lane! In our opinion, personalization can add a special touch to so many items. And, one of the most fun aspects of offering embroidery in our shop is seeing all of the creative ways our customers use a monogram. 

We’re often asked about the etiquette or “rules” of monogramming, so this week we thought we would touch on some of the basics. Keep in mind, the possibilities are endless and there is no reason you can’t break a few rules to create something you love.

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Single-Letter Monogram: Traditionally, a monogram with a single initial represents the surname (or last name) of a person or married couple. However, many people also love using a single initial to represent a first name. We love this style on so many items — hand towels, cocktail napkins, dinner napkins — the list goes on!

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Traditional Three-Letter Monogram:  A traditional three-letter monogram captures an individual’s full name, the first name initial is represented on the left, the middle name initial is represented on the right, and the last name initial is represented in the center with a slightly larger letter.

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“Straight” Three-Letter Monogram: A straight monogram, most traditionally used by men, includes three equally size initials — the first letter of the first, middle, last name, in that order. This is great option for men’s shirts and, one of our personal favorites, on the collar of boy baby gift.

“Marriage” Three Letter Monogram: A more modern take on the three letter monogram represents a marriage and is often referred to as a “duo gram” or “joint monogram.” In this style, the wife’s first initial is on the left, the husband’s first initial is on the right and their shared last name initial is in the center. 

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Two-Letter Monogram: This versatile monogram style can represent two first names, a first and last name, or a joint household with two different last names. This is a fun ways to mix things up for a couple, by representing both of their first name initials. It’s also a great choice for those couples who decide to keep their given surnames. 

First Name Embroidery:  A full first name in a script or block font is another fun option, and one of our favorites for children’s items!

  • The latest from Courtney

Alex Deringer and Courtney Cox combine their formal training in design and fashion with their renowned sense of style in Ivy Lane, a full-service interior design firm that curates casually elegant family dwellings that are elevated by a unique spark. Whether an entire house renovation or a one-room makeover, Alex and Courtney’s extensive experience and collaborative dynamic inform a successful design philosophy: thoroughly understand the client’s lifestyle, bring a thoughtful spatial perspective, and enliven the space with the freshest aesthetic interest.

309C Cameron Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314



  1. Avatar Katie Manasco says:

    Where did you find the sweet monogrammed baby clothing. Wish there were sources for these items. So lovely!

  2. 309C Cameron Street
    Alexandria, Virginia 22314

    Monday-Friday 11a-6p

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