In the Chair: Answers to Our Most Asked Healthy Haircare Questions

What’s the proper time to get your ends trimmed? How often should roots be touched up? How often should you shampoo? We’ll cover these most commonly asked haircare questions and more in this edition of “In the Chair with Bazzak Salon” to keep your hair looking vibrant all season long!



Q: Should I wash my hair every day to keep my fine hair looking, well, fine?

A: Those with fine hair often have a hard time going more than two days without washing their hair in fear of a greasy build up. However, jumping to shampooing daily is a big NO NO! Washing your hair on a daily basis will leave your hair feeling dry over a period of time. It’s best to wash your hair every other day. On alternate days, try using a dry a good dry shampoo. We like Naturia from Rene Furterer because it won’t leave your hair with that grimy/oily sheen.


Q: I have thick hair. Can I wash my hair daily?

A: If you have thicker locks, whether curly or not, it’s very important to wash your hair no more than every 3-4 days. The issue with thick hair is that it’s harder for your natural oils to roll down the strands, which leaves your hair more susceptible to becoming dry and brittle. Allowing your natural oils to coat your tresses before your next shampoo is ideal for maintaining your look.



Q: How often do I really need to get my hair cut?

A: The simple answer is every 6-8 weeks. Trimming your hair every 6-8 weeks keeps you from getting to the point where you have no other choice but getting a big chop because your ends have been kept clean. When you ignore split ends, they will continue to split and expand up the strand. For those with shorter hair, it’s always best to get a trim every 4-5 weeks because after a month or so your hair can start to lose shape and feel heavy and/or flat.



Q: How about hair color? How often do I need “all over color?” How often should I touch up my roots?

A: Two of the most common questions we hear are, “How often should I get my roots touched up?” and “How often should I get all over color?”

We’ll start with the roots. We recommend touching up your roots every 4-6 weeks. Those with gray hair may want to opt to get their roots touched up every 3-4 weeks to avoid that “not on purpose” two-tone hair.

Once you decide on “all over color” it’s important to have your stylist pull that color through – usually every other visit. The exact schedule will depend on the shade of your hair. By doing this, it allows your hair to be refreshed and tones out any brassy shades that may appear due to environmental effects like harsh sun. Another thing to keep in mind is that the more you shampoo, the more your color will fade and change. We recommend a nice color-safe shampoo like Color Conserve by Aveda or Okara by Rene Furterer. These will keep your color protected for several weeks until your next salon visit.

Hair maintenance plays such an important role of keeping your locks healthy and strong. Our stylists work with clients to formulate healthy hair routines to keep you looking fresh and fabulous at all times. Book an appointment with one of our stylists or colorists when the time arises. And click here if you missed last month’s hair color-related fall-friendly hair trends! Thanks for reading!


  • The latest from Aida & Mina

Bazzak Hair Salon is a cutting edge salon located in the heart of historic Old Town Alexandria. Our new brownstone townhouse has been a staple on King Street since 1890. The new space has also allowed us to provide our clients with a more luxurious setting and expanded services. Our team of American- and European-trained designers and colorists bring a versatile blend of talents to Bazzak. We gladly offer both women's and men's hairstyling services. We incorporate the full line of Rene Futerer products in our services and offer these products for a salon prefect look anytime.

1110 King Street
Alexandria, VA


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