find your anchor

Most of you can relate: you walk into a class (spin, boxing, yoga, tennis, body pump, whatever) and you are immediately drawn to another person in the class. You can’t help it. They seem to complete the exercises with ease. Their form is unmistakably perfect. They have confidence. They look great.

You can also admit it’s the last sentence that you can’t get out of your head throughout the entirety of the class.

Embrace the anchor.


I am a proud member of the Fitness on the Run (FOR) family. I have been with Adrien and Denise for over 7 years. I have grown. I’ve gained amazing strength both personally and physically because of the work I do at FOR.

I take classes at FOR several times a week. Yes, most of the women in the classes are younger, slimmer, and seem like they have it all. BUT, here’s my advice to you: Find your anchor.

Andre, a new Fitness on the Run instructor who was previously a client, was my anchor. Her form was beautiful, her movements seemed effortless and she, yes, looks amazing. I chose to use her as the person with whom I’d gauge my workout. Always checking her form to try as best as I could to emulate it. I positioned myself so I could always see her so I could watch her movements.


Why? Because she got it. She embraced learning the movements. Yes, I could have concerned myself that I wouldn’t “keep up”. Instead I used her as my primary focus for how to move. Andre got “it” so much Adrien and Denise asked her to consider becoming a FOR coach. She did. She’s full most days already.

Because the instructors walk around and make sure form is correct, there are times when you need an anchor to make sure you are doing the exercise right or just plain perfect.


Another perspective I use in my life, even outside of my workouts, is I want to surround myself with others who are better, smarter and faster than I am. Why be the best in the class when I can continually learn from others?

Every class I participate in at FOR I find my anchor. Find yours.

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