denim organization 101

Earlier this week, I paid a visit to Elizabeth’s closet to audit her denim wardrobe. We touched on one of the ways I organize denim–folded, categorized and then stacked light to dark.

Everyone loves the wow factor of a Better Homes and Gardens-ready closet, but more than getting into the aesthetics of folding things prettily, my main goal when I audit any closet is to make sure, when I am gone, my client is able to find what she is looking for.

To that end, here are my top three favorite ways to organize denim:

Folded and Stacked

I always like to fold jeans in a neat square.
Step 1: Fold in half
Step 2: Fold the hem up to the yolk seam so the leg is basically in half
Step 3: Fold top of jeans down to the knee to create a square where one back pocket is visible.


Stack your denim according to category. Skinnies with skinnies, boyfriends with boyfriends, etc. Within each category, organize light to dark. It is your preference if you want to have the light ones on top or bottom. I usually opt to put dark on top down to light because I wear dark jeans more often.

Or you could always get really, really, really serious and fold them the Konmari way and have your jeans standing up!


I personally love hanging as much clothing as I can. It’s simply more visible, reachable, etc. than if it is folded. If you have the space in your closet, one way to organize jeans is halved over a hanger and lined up in a row. I prefer a flocked, nonslip hanger so you can grab and move things around without 10 things falling on the floor.


I organize light to dark. I do not break down by category. I have found when jeans are hanging, it is easier to find the pair you are looking for when they are organized according to shade only.


This is the way I store my own jeans. It’s not the most space-saving method, but I can always find what I am looking for. And I never have rumpled denim. Denim heads (kind of like gear-heads, but obsessed with jeans) swear by this method of hanging to preserve their raw denim.


I store my denim on a vintage rack in the corner of my room like you’d see in a retail space. I arrange them in a neat row of hooks. I use a pattern hook, but you can use a simple S hook as shown in the picture. My clients who have larger closets devote a bar to denim and we have lined up the hooks in this same way.

I hook the back middle loop of each pair of jeans so the butt is facing out. I then arrange light to dark. Like the denim on hangers, I do not categorize by jean type.

I hope some of these methods have inspired you to organize your denim wardrobe. And if you need a helping hand, you know where to find us.

  • The latest from Rosana
Founder, Chief Stylist | DC Style Factory
Rosana has 18 years of fashion and retail experience. Her team has worked on more than 1,500 closets and wardrobes since she launched DC Style Factory 10 years ago. She has been featured by the New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, Washingtonian Magazine, Northern Virginia Magazine, and more. Her clients include U.S. politicians, lobbyists, authors, lawyers, and corporate executives.

DC Style Factory is a personal shopping and styling service for men and women looking to add polish and individuality to their wardrobes. We believe personal style is for anyone who wants it — regardless of age, size or budget.

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