Are You “Overfat?”

Are You Overfat?

Are you a pear or are you an apple? It’s not the first time you’ve heard excess fat around your midsection is unhealthy.

Are You Overfat?

You may already know excess abdominal fat is associated with increased risk of chronic health diseases and is linked with concerns like coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, Type-2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and the list goes on… The negative effects also lead to conditions like inflammation, the root of a lot of illness and injury, and insulin resistance, which is critical because insulin is the hormone that helps control glucose and blood sugar.

A new study conducted by the journal “Frontiers in Public Health” evaluated the growing “overfat” “pandemic” in developed countries. This was done after another study by a group of three doctors found 76 percent of the world’s population is “overfat.”

The study found the problem can be seen on a large scale in developed countries like the U.S., where 90 percent of men, 80 percent of women, and 50 percent of children are considered “overfat.”

This study is so alarming it was covered on the Today Show earlier this month.

Are You Overfat?click image to play

You’ve probably heard me say more than enough DO NOT CHASE NUMBERS when it comes to your body composition, or, frankly, your health in general. At Fitness on the Run, we believe obsessing over a body weight, a dress size, a suit cut, or even a certain number of miles can be akin to herding cats.

Not only is a certain bodyweight possibly unachievable or unsustainable, it can also lead to feelings of personal failure and ultimately low self-esteem. It is also hugely questionable how you got to that “perfect” number.

There is, however, one measurement I’ve mentioned before and I believe it has solid credibility: waist to height ratio, or WtHR.  All it takes is a tape measure. No scale. No pressurized mechanism to tell you a number you may not even understand.

Is your waist less than half of your height?

It is a formula developed by a British doctor Margaret Ashwell. Dr. Ashwell spent years researching the various indicators for “early health risk” and found the WtHR to be superior as a predictor of it. She found that “there is now good evidence that central obesity carries more health risks compared with total obesity assessed by BMI.”

Are You Overfat?

Dr. Oz and others, like Dr. Ashwell, are interested in conveying the real truth.  They believe the language we use to describe “healthy,” “fat,” and “fit” has previously been misleading. I’d say we are simply learning more and getting smarter! How we describe our own bodies carries enormous consequences for our daily lives. How we “self-talk” also can bring joy and pain.

At Fitness on the Run, we take your fitness seriously for life. We combine a focus on strong bodies and strong minds. We stay on top of the best research so we can share it with our community at FOR. Maintaining strength means a laser focus on daily habits that contribute to a healthy and pain-free life.

Are You Overfat?


  • The latest from Adrien
Adrien founded Fitness on the Run in 2004 out of her home after a successful career in policy and public affairs communications. After spending 15 years developing her own personal definition of wellness and watching thousands struggle with theirs, in January 2019 Adrien founded Alexandria Wellness, the home for the Concierge Wellness Program and Corporate Wellness with Adrien Cotton. Over the course of 15 years, “FOR” was home to more than 2,000 clients, 30 instructors, and hundreds of inspirational success stories. Adrien is now, more-than-ever, passionate about helping women view their fitness as a journey, not a quick fix. Adrien’s recipe for success herself has evolved from a rigid training plan of sweaty and heart pumping workouts to some days getting in her 10,000 steps, consciously breathing, her 7.5 hours of sleep, and her beloved 5-Minute Flow. Adrien believes the most important ingredient is making small changes for big results, even if it’s one new habit formed each month. Still passionate about fitness, Adrien’s clients appreciate her ability to make sessions seriously challenging without a “beat down,” a healthy mix of strength and metabolic (cardio) work and ultimately helping her clients gain real strength in mind and body. She believes we all benefit from being curious about our bodies and that change, or improvement, is within reach despite what your “inner voice” or others may tell you. Adrien is bubbling with excitement to help women learn the importance of a comprehensive approach to wellness, weight loss, and contentedness with yourself, and that every person has the right to feel good about themselves. Most days, you can find her helping clients with their wellness, listening to success stories, and bragging about her twin 13-year-old children and “fittest man in Alexandria” Bill Cotton. Adrien prides herself on her practice of mindfulness, meditation, and putting it all into perspective.

Alexandria Wellness offers achievable answers for anyone who is tired of chasing fitness and health without a clear plan, someone who has struggled and is not satisfied with their fitness and wellness or someone who is open to maximized healthful longevity and fitness along with healthful weight loss. Adrien and her team offer help with food guidance, body acceptance, sleep and stress issues, and insist you have fun along the way.

Schedule your free 30 minute consult here!

Alexandria Wellness
215 North Payne Street
Alexandria, VA 22314



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