a beautiful story behind the beautiful jaipur rug company

Fashion, function and versatility are just a few words that come to mind when we think about area rugs. They are essential for tying the look of a room together, adding a touch of warmth to hardwood or tile flooring, and creating a space that makes you want to kick your shoes off and get comfy. But finding the perfect rug to fit the dimensions of your room and also your decor can be tricky if you don’t know the right places to look. You could spend hours, even days scouring home stores to find a rug that might come close to matching your style, but who has the time or energy to do that?


We felt the same way until we started carrying Jaipur rugs in the store. There are so many things we love about Jaipur rugs — from the colors, textures and variety of styles they offer, to the social responsibility behind their brand. They make it just plain easy to find a rug that will compliment each room in your home, and since they are all customizable you’ll never have to worry if it will fit.


Another thing that we absolutely love about Jaipur is that they are a female owned and operated company. They not only produce gorgeous custom rugs but the story behind their company is an absolutely beautiful one. N.K Chaudhary, the founder behind Jaipur, set out to create a business that produced both breathtaking artisan goods and also opportunities for women around the world to create better lives for themselves. And he has succeeded at both, ten-fold.


“Because N.K. believed that women should not be oppressed simply because of their sex, he packed up his life and moved across India so his daughters could have the same chance at full, unrestricted lives.”


His eldest daughter, Asha Chaudhary, now runs the business out of Atlanta, GA where she overseas every step in the supply chain from product conception, design, production and customer delivery. And now Jaipur has grown to be one of the world’s leading rug manufacturers!


Each rug that is woven and sold creates opportunities and livelihood to illiterate and poor women that are living in remote rural locations. And that is something that we are extremely proud of and one of the many reasons why we carry this amazing brand. Not only will these luxurious custom rugs make a statement in your home but they will also tell a beautiful story. Now its time for you to find a Jaipur that is perfect for your home and will help tell your story for years to come.


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