my journey to (a bundle of) joy

My husband and I recently celebrated our six-year anniversary – wow, time flies – and these six years have been a whirlwind of ups and downs. For more than three of those years, we had been trying to start a family.

During that time frame, I gained a little more than 10 pounds from the fertility treatments. While that might not seem like a lot, it is when you are 5’3” – every pound counts and I was beginning to feel really down on myself.  After multiple failed attempts, I decided to take some time off and that’s when I got really serious about my time spent at Fitness on the Run.

Last December I started going to semi-private classes four times a week and was determined to “get my body back.”  While the scale never reflected the weight loss I anticipated, I lost INCHES from my waist, hips and thighs. I was doing handstands, chin-ups, and swinging a Kettlebell I never could have imagined. I was strong and I could feel it.  Now, I am not the best student of nutrition; this southern gal could do without one fruit or vegetable. But when I was told I should switch my morning Oatmeal Squares for bacon and eggs, I was like, heck yah!


This past spring, when we decided to get more aggressive with treatment, I knew I wanted to continue with my classes. This was the one thing I could control. When the time came, I wanted to be in the best physical condition possible. And I was.

Now at 27 weeks pregnant, I might not be flipping handstands, but I feel great. And have felt great the entire pregnancy. I can’t imagine where I would be physically if I had not pushed myself to prepare. I never thought I’d ever be able to do a real push-up, but I can. And I know I am giving my baby girl the best start as I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Through this process I’ve learned to embrace the journey – my journey. My faith has guided me and I have been so very fortunate to be surrounded by a supportive husband, friends, and family who have walked this path with me.  I’ve learned that there are things we can control and things we cannot.  The journey wasn’t easy, but through it I tried to embrace a heart of gratitude.  As the Apostle Paul writes, “Give thanks in all circumstances.” We can always choose JOY, not just during the holiday season.

So, what am I grateful for? I am grateful for modern medicine, I am grateful for the doctors and nurses who took care of me, I am grateful for my family, I am grateful for the team at Fitness on the Run who encouraged me, and most importantly, I am grateful for this sweet baby girl coming March 2016.  


  1. Avatar Maura F says:

    Beautiful! Congratulations!

  2. Avatar Susan G says:

    So happy for you Alexander!

  3. Avatar alexandra says:

    congratulations! a march baby! its the best month 😉 (coming from a biased-aries)

    stay stunning!

  4. […] of our clients have a story of strength.  Alexander told her passionate journey for motherhood here and Eliza told her story […]

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