The Breakthrough Is in the Breakdown (of the Poses): 3 Reasons You Should Try Yoga Fundamentals

I stumbled upon yoga, awkwardly seeking something different to bring into my packed days of going to school full time and working at a bar full time. Looking back, it’s easy to say I showed up at a class one day because I knew I needed something physical that didn’t involve being on my feet for 10 hour shifts, but that’s the simple answer. Now I know I came because I was craving to know myself beyond the walls of school, and the chaos of the restaurant and bar life. I was young, and stressed, and consumed with trying to live a life that fit a mold but that I couldn’t find myself in.

By some miracle, I landed on a yoga mat in the middle of my junior year of college, freaking out about finals, worried about the upcoming holiday break, and exhausted from working late the night before. I had no idea what to think of the “Namastes,” “Oms,” and the weird names the teacher called the poses, but I know it felt good to move, breathe, and not be so concerned with what was happening anywhere else.

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Now, it wasn’t a cake walk. Taking yoga classes didn’t take me from stressed out early 20s to Buddha or anything, but the moments of calm and contentment I started to feel made the awkward movements, transitions, and not so steady breathing worth it. I was starting to make connections, whether I knew it or not, to pieces of myself that I didn’t know existed. A once a week thing became a three- to four-times-a-week thing, and soon, going to yoga became routine. Then life happened and I moved away from campus, started working at a different job, and fell away from what had started to become a “practice” for me.

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Almost two years later, I stumbled upon a chance to live with one of my best friends in Del Ray. I jumped after briefly seeing the house, the neighborhood, and the proximity it would put me to work. Shortly after I moved, I timidly walked into Mind the Mat. I was more nervous than before to show up and be vulnerable all over again. But I kept going, because the calm enveloping feelings came back. I kept going, even though I couldn’t move and breathe fluidly and sequentially like some of the other beautiful people in the room around me. I kept going, because the feelings of self-acceptance and awareness that were creeping in were undeniable and real. I kept going, because I began to feel like I was coming home to myself.

Funnily enough, I never actually took the Yoga Fundamentals 6-Week Series, but it was always something I caught myself reading over and over again on the website. My work schedule didn’t fit with the times and days, and I didn’t find myself worthy of prioritizing my life to accommodate my own happiness. So, almost two years into re-finding my practice, I decided I wanted a huge life change and wanted to teach yoga. I had no idea why but the idea seemed grand, and if I could share even a little bit about what the poses and classes had done for me, surely, it would be more gratifying than what I was currently doing.

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Needless to say, I came back from my Nosara Yoga Institute teacher training a drastically changed person, and very eager to teach. Upon my return, I auditioned with Mind the Mat and started teaching classes. As I gained more and more experience, I connected deeply with teaching beginners. When the opportunity to teach Yoga Fundamentals arose, I begged Laura Rose to let me teach it, and she put her trust in me to take it over. She gave me an outline of what poses needed to be taught and a timeline of how to break them up over the six weeks, but really put her faith in me to make the class what I wanted.

Man oh man did the creative juices start flowing. I wanted to share an experience. I wanted to make people feel as much a part of a tribe as I did when I was making my way through teacher training. I wanted a classroom setting that people could share, and laugh, and learn in an environment of trust and self-acceptance, just as I was provided. While the poses are wonderful, and such a fundamental part of the yoga tradition, I also wanted to cover basic breathing exercises called pranayama, and even a few simple meditation techniques.

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As I planned, I envisioned an environment of sharing experiences and allowing everyone to learn from each other, and one where students could learn how to consciously approach the ebb and flow of movement, breath, and thought. I channeled my inner third grade teacher, and made colorful posters, with weekly poses, breathing techniques, and even interpersonal communication activities. We color our name tags, and track our weekly intentions. In 75 minute classes, for six straight weeks, this tribe of different humans shows up to learn and experience what yoga means to them. So, if you’re curious about what this Yoga Fundamental series is all about, here are three reasons why I think you might just secretly love it.

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1) Whether you are brand new to yoga or familiar with the poses, this series is designed to break things down in a way that you can focus on sensory learning. Find the pose and variation in your body that works best for you. Come with an open mind, and a willingness to be vulnerable so that you can unlock some of the secrets that your body, breath, and mind have to share with you.

2) Create sacred space to learn amongst the same people, with the same teacher, over an elongated period of time. This series is a great way to set aside time for yourself where you can come and feel welcome, accepted, and heard. To me, the best learning comes from sharing, so throughout the course there are times to discuss amongst partners and in our group. During demonstrations, there is always time to ask and answer questions. Since this is not a traditional class setting, a sense of camaraderie and togetherness is a key focus even while we are focusing on our individual selves.

3) Fun!!! Yoga translates to yoke, or union, and no union is complete without fun. We keep it light. I crack as many corny jokes as I can, and we practice smiling so that we don’t take it all too seriously. Everything takes the time it takes, so why not laugh along the way?!

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I could give 1,000 more reasons why I love sharing this experience, and getting to know people over the course of six weeks, but for now, this is what I got. You can always reach out to me via email with specific questions about the series, or pop into one of my classes at Mind the Mat! Interested in taking the series? The next one starts up Monday September 12th at 7:45- 9 PM! Learn more and sign up here!

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